Forhad khan

Forhad khan

Meet author Forhad Khan, the driving force behind Flavorful Drinks. Boasting over a decade of hospitality experience, author evolved from a curious bartender to a renowned mixologist and savvy entrepreneur, fueled by his deep passion for the art of cocktail making.

Mastering Cocktails and Mixology Expert Guide

cocktails and mixology

Harness your inner mixologist with Cocktails and Mixology by seasoned expert Whiskey Morgan. This guide is a comprehensive journey into cocktail creation. It gives essential info on ingredients and crafting techniques. It covers topics like equipment, classic recipes, and how…

Mastering Mixology Vodka Cocktails Expert Tips

Mixology Vodka Cocktails

Mixology Vodka Cocktails For centuries, cocktails symbolize bonding and celebration, especially vodka-based ones for their versatility. Mixologist Pankaj Balachandran advises starting with top-shelf vodka. He sees its clean taste as a blank slate for your flavors. Appreciating vodka’s flexibility, keeping…