About Us

Why Choose Me?

Meet author Forhad Khan, the visionary behind Flavorful Drinks. With a deep-seated passion for the art of mixology and a rich background in the hospitality industry, author has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of cocktails and spirits. His journey from an enthusiastic home bartender to a respected industry expert has been fueled by an unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation.

Forhad Khan Nikhil

Founder / CEO


Arthur evolved from a curious bartender to a renowned mixologist, fueled by his deep passion for the art of cocktail making.

 I excel in creating perfectly balanced cocktails and have a deep understanding of flavor profiles, which allows me to craft drinks that are both innovative and delightful. Moreover, my ability to educate and inspire others in the art of mixology has been acknowledged as transformative by my peers and students alike.

My philosophy centers on sustainability and the use of local ingredients, which supports both the environment and our community. My vision for Flavorful Drinks is to educate the public about the nuances of mixology and to cultivate a global community that shares a passion for cocktail crafting.

Visitors can explore various articles, interviews, and videos where I share my mixology insights and experiences. These media features provide a deeper understanding of my expertise and my personal approach to cocktail crafting.

I encourage everyone to connect with me through social media, professional networks, or directly via the Flavorful Drinks website. I also invite them to subscribe to our newsletters for exclusive recipes, the latest trends in mixology, and updates from Flavorful Drinks, all crafted to enhance their mixology journey.